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GLUT files

//                                      //
//                                      //
// You found this at bobobobo's weblog, //
//        //
//                                      //
// Creation date:  Feb 9/08            //
// Last modified:  Feb 9/08             //
//                                      //

// GLUT is short for "OpenGL Utility Toolkit".
// GLUT was originally created by a genius named Mark Kilgard.
// GLUT exists only to allow you to easily create a
// window and draw your really cool 3D graphics into that
// window using OpenGL function calls.

// GLUT is NOT really suited to create full blown games,
// and you really should take a look at programming Windows
// if you want to do that.

// BUT, GLUT is a good place to start to understand
// OpenGL in a really simple way.

// GLUT is GREAT for simple projects and demos.

// Its clean, its simple, and it pretty much does
// all the stuff you wanna do in a demo of a short
// program.

// GLUT in Visual Studio 2005.

// Here I am explaining how to get GLUT running
// ASSUMING you're using Visual Studio 2005.

// first INSTALL GLUT onto your system.
//      TO INSTALL GLUT on your Windows system:
//      1.  Get from:
//      2.  Unzip the file and copy glut32.dll file to:
//      3.  Copy glut32.lib to:
//C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\Lib
//      4.  Copy glut.h to:
//C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\PlatformSDK\Include\gl

// Got it installed?  Good!  Let's continue.

// The first thing we're going to do in our GLUT application is import the
// libraries we'll need:
#include <iostream>  // include the standard
// input/output, so we can write text to the console window
using namespace std;    
#include <glut.h>  // include the OpenGL Utility Toolkit
// -- (Remember, you HAVE TO to follow instructions above
// and INSTALL GLUT first!)
#pragma comment( lib, "glut32.lib" ) //!! YOU MUST COMPILE AS A 32-BIT APP TO LINK WITH GLUT
// IMPORTANT:  YOU MUST #include <iostream> BEFORE <glut.h> BEFORE 
// OTHERWISE you will get an 'exit' : redefinition error.

/// render function.  This is THE function that
/// TELLS openGL what to DRAW inside our Window.
void render()
    glClear( GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );

	#pragma region drawing code
		glColor3d( 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
		glutSolidTeapot( 0.5 );

		glColor3d( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
		glTranslated( 0.0, 0.6, 0.0 );
		glutSolidTeapot( 0.25 );
	#pragma endregion

    glutSwapBuffers() ;

// Next, we'll write our main() function:
int main( int argc, char** argv )

A note about argc and argv — CAN skip, but is good to know

Notice that main() has 2 parameters between the brackets. You might not be used to that, because normally we’d just write int main(). It turns out that when you write a GLUT application, you have to have (int argc, char** argv) between the brackets there. Now, you can take my word for it, because its not REALLY important to understanding OpenGL as to why you need argc and argv, or you can read the paragraph below to understand.

argc and argv are the command line arguments. Here’s an example.

Open the Windows command prompt (to open cmd prompt, go to START->Run, then type cmd in the box that appears there. You should see a black console window, like the one that your basic console C++ apps run in. In the black window, after the C:\Documents and Settings> type in this line:

What should happen is your windows file explorer should pop up.

Now go back to the command prompt and type in
explorer “C:\Program Files”

Notice now that the Windows disk explorer now opens in the folder “C:\Program Files”

In the above example, “C:\Program Files” is a command line argument that modifies the behaviour of the disk explorer upon its launch.

In the same way, your GLUT app will accept a string or two from the operating system environment that tell it how it should set itself up. We never have to deal with argc and argv DIRECTLY in our GLUT apps, but its good to know.

    // Ok, now for the actual code of our program:

    // these next few lines "speak" to GLUT.
    // Think of GLUT like a living entity.
    // Each time you write a function call
    // that begins with glut___(something),

    // We're going to write SEVEN (7) commands to GLUT in this program.

    glutInit(&argc, argv);              // initialize GLUT!
// (ask GLUT to
// initialize itself and get ready
// to draw graphics)

    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB|GLUT_DOUBLE);      // Tell GLUT to
// be prepared to draw in all of red, green and blue
// colors (mixes of red, green and
// blue get you all 16 million
// colors available), Also double buffer the display (REQUIRED windows 7)

    glutInitWindowPosition(120,260);    // this tells GLUT
// that WHEN I decide to create a window,
// I want that Window to start
// up 120 pixels from the left
// edge of the screen, and 260
// pixels from the top edge
// of the screen.

    glutInitWindowSize(600,600);        // This tells GLUT
// that WHEN I create a window, I want
// that window to have a width
// of 600 pixels (first number is
// width), and a height of 600
// pixels (second # is height)

// Next, actually CREATE the window.  Will use
// all the information I specified above about
// window position and window size to
// create this window.
    glutCreateWindow("WOO HOO!  This is my GLUT Window!");

    glutDisplayFunc( render );          // "attach" the
// function with name "render" to 
// the "draw" event.  WHENEVER
// my window needs to be "drawn",
// the render() function.

// When does my window need to be
// drawn you ask??  Why, whenever
// it receives a PAINT EVENT from
// the Windows O/S, of course!
// (a window gets a paint event whenever
// the windows O/S recognizes that
// a part of it needs to be redrawn.
// For example, if another window blocks
// your window, and then that
// other window is removed, then
// your window will get a paint event.)

    glutMainLoop();     // START RUNNING THE APP.
    // GOTO render() function.
    // Program is now WAITING for 'messages'
    // from the user, or from the Windows O/S.

     ____   __   __      __   __  ___
    / _  \ /  / /  /    /  /  \ \/  /
   / _/ / /  / /  /    /  /    \   /
  / _/ \ /  / /  /__  /  /__   /  /
 /_____//__/ /______//______/ /__/


Check out the Visual Studio project files on esnips


    • Alexwebmaster
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    • pouya khoshkoo
    • Posted January 25, 2010 at 9:05 pm
    • Permalink

    Thanks for your web site.

  1. Hi there!
    I made a program to help me on my arts, you can draw like in ms paint and get the glut code.
    You can see it at:

    • Kate
    • Posted October 15, 2018 at 8:34 am
    • Permalink

    I’m Kate, damsel, bisexual. I want to view a partaker without complexes. If I’m interested in you – Add me

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  1. […] Start with OpenGL GLUT (Win32), and a tutorial or two. […]

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