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Category Archives: sql

// Connects to MySQL database server from
// C or C++ program.

//                                         //
// Connecting C++ Win32 App To MySQL       //
//                                         //
// You found this at bobobobo's weblog,    //
//           //
//                                         //
// Creation date:  Apr 5/09                //
// Last modified:  Apr 5/09                //
//                                         //

// !! Note!  I've included copies of the MySQL
// include headers and library files.. I've done this
// so that the project will compile and run
// more easily for you, but this DOES NOT mean
// that you should skip the SETUP-Y stuff section
// below!

// If you want MySQL to work easily for you in new
// projects, you really should set up Visual Studio
// as explained below.

#pragma region all the setup-y stuff
// MAKINET WORK: (any prince of persia 2 the shadow and the flame fans out there?)
// 1)  First, you OBVIOUSLY must install MySQL.
//     Be sure to download the 32-BIT VERSION (NOT THE x64)
//     of MySQL 5.1 - "Windows MSI Installer"
//     Located at
//     DO NOT GET __ANY__ x64 crap EVEN IF you are on
//     windows 64 bit, ALWAYS use the NORMAL (non-64 bit)
//     stuff (see Ancient Dragon's comments for why:

//     Done that?  GOOD!!  Onto step 2.

// 2)  ENSURE THAT mysql.h is in your VISUAL STUDIO
//     PROJECT PATH SETTINGS.  If you don't do this,
//     then you'll may an error of the form of:

// Error	1	fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'mysql.h':
//          No such file or directory

// For me, mysql.h is in :
// C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\include

// But you have to tell VISUAL STUDIO THAT!!  IT doesn't know.

// Need to edit Visual Studio INCLUDE Directory settings.  here's how.

// SO I, click
//   1  TOOLS -> OPTIONS
//   2  PROJECTS AND SOLUTIONS -> VC++ DIRECTORIES (left hand panel)

//   3  (now in right hand panel),
//    from the two dropdowns there
//      (hanging like two microsoft eyes..), uh,

//   4  you just make sure under PLATFORM,
//      it says Win32,

//   5  and under SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR,
//      it says INCLUDE FILES.

//   6  THEN, click the SHINY YELLOW FOLDER,
//      and then click the '...'
//   7  and navigate to your MySQL INSTALL DIR\INCLUDE
//      add that folder there.

//    For me, I end up with an extra entry in that list that says:

//       C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\include

//    yours may be slightly different, but not too different,
//    hey, don't try and be cool here by being REALLY different please.

// OK?  So now the #include below should work for you.
// If it doesn't, INSTALL MYSQL FIRST!

#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// To get autocomplete to work, you may have to right-click
// your Header Files -> Add Existing Item... and pick
// mysql.h and add it to your project.  I've copy and pasted
// the file into this project, though.

// !!
// You may only use the form below if you have followed the
// installation instructions above.
/////#include <mysql.h>

#include "mysql_include/mysql.h"  // use this form if you haven't "installed"
// MySQL header files into visual studio as explained above.

// You must also add C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib\debug
// to your Visual Studio LIBRARY directory settings (follow steps above again, except
// at step 5, you choose "SHOW DIRECTORIES FOR -> LIBRARY FILES"
// and at step 7, you add C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib\debug
// (or whatever yours really is)

// !!
// You may only use the form below if you have followed the
// installation instructions above.
/////#pragma comment( lib, "libmysql.lib" )

#pragma comment( lib, "mysql_lib/debug/libmysql.lib" )  // use this form if you haven't "installed"
// MySQL header files into visual studio as explained above.

// libmysql.lib is what is termed an "import library" - basically
// it is what wires up function calls in this program to MYSQL
// functionality to the libmysql.dll file.

// So what about libmysql.dll?

// FINALLY, ENSURE TO COPY libmysql.dll to EITHER:  the \Debug folder
// of this project (WHERE THE FINAL .EXE RESIDES), __OR__, to
// C:\WINDOWS\System32 (if that doesn't work, then copy it to C:\WINDOWS\System).

// For me, libmysql.dll lives in
// C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\lib\debug
// Its also included in the mysql_lib/debug folder of
// this project.

// To quote Charlie Charlie Petzold, Programming windows 5th ed:
// You can put a DLL file:

// A dynamic library must be present on the disk
// when a program is run that uses the library.
// When Windows needs to load a DLL module before running
// a program that requires it, the librar must be stored:
//   1.  In the directory containing the .exe program
//   2.  the current directory
//   3.  the Windows system directory
//   4.  the windows directory
//   5.  or a directory accessibel through the PATH string in the MS-DOC environment

// The directories are searched in the above order.

#pragma endregion

#pragma region CODING WITH MYSQL

// Globals
MYSQL mysql;    // the MYSQL global object.  Passed to mysql_init,
                // and there's only one of this.

MYSQL * conn ;  // represents connection to database

int main()
  // OK!!  Now that you've got all the setup-y stuff out of the way, its
  // time to connect to MySQL!!

  // here are some great references:
  // 1)
  // 2)
  mysql_init( &mysql ) ;
  // ABOUT mysql_real_connect():
  conn = mysql_real_connect(  &mysql,
                              "localhost",// synonymous with
                              "root",     // connect as user="root".  Uh, bad security here..
                              "",         // my root password is blank.  REALLY bad security :)
                              "mysql",    // connect to the 'mysql' _database_ within MySQL itself.
                                          // if you create another database, then you can
                                          // specify you'd like to connect to that one here.

                              0,          // port.  Mine is on 3306, but you can leave it as 0
                                          // and it seems to work automatically.

                              0,          // unix_socket (not in use)

                              0 ) ;       // client flag:  usually 0, unless you want special features (see docs page)
  // At this point you may be wondering, ok,
  // so if this is real_connect, what's fake_connect?
  // There is a mysql_connect() function!  Which is
  // basically the "fake" connect... see docs, but
  // the "fake" functions (mysql_query(), mysql_connect()),
  // are like watered down version of their _real_ counterparts.
  // Sometimes useful, sometimes not.  Again, see docs pages.

  // Check if connection succeeded.
  if( conn == NULL )
    printf("Couldn't connect to MySQL database server!\n");
    printf("Error: %s\n", mysql_error( &mysql ) ) ;
    return 1 ;
    printf("Connect success\n") ;

  #pragma region running an actual query
  // Here, we are connected.
  // form a sql string to execute.
  char * query = "select * from user" ;
  int queryState;

  queryState = mysql_query( conn, query ) ;

  if( queryState != 0 )
    printf("Whoops!  The query failed.  Error:  %s\n", mysql_error( conn ) );
    return 1 ;

  // here, query succeeded, so we can proceed
  // to pull out results.
  MYSQL_RES * resultset ;
  MYSQL_ROW row;  // MYSQL_ROW is #defined as (char **)
  // Data ALWAYS comes back from MySQL as
  // an array of strings.  To convert it
  // to ints or whatever is YOUR JOB as the programmer.

  // mysql_store_result basically fetches
  // the entire array of results and dumps them
  // into our local program memory space (all
  // in the resultset variable.
  resultset = mysql_store_result( conn );

  // How many rows will there be?
  int numRows = mysql_num_rows( resultset ) ;
  printf( "There are %d ROWS (records) of data\n", numRows ) ;

  // Now tell me what columns there are
  // in the result set.
  int numFields = mysql_num_fields( resultset ) ;
  printf( "There are %d FIELDS (columns) of data\n", numFields ) ;

  // Print all those column by name
  MYSQL_FIELD * fields = mysql_fetch_fields( resultset ) ;
  for( int i = 0 ; i < numFields ; i++ )
    printf( "%25.25s", fields[i].name ) ;

  printf( "\n" ) ;
  // print all results
  while( row = mysql_fetch_row( resultset ) )
    // row is 2d array of char
    // underlying type is char **
    for ( int i = 0; i < numFields ; i++ )
      printf( "%25.25s", row[ i ] ) ;

    // next row
    printf( "\n" ) ;

  #pragma endregion
  // Now free the result
  mysql_free_result( resultset );

  // And close down.
  mysql_close( conn ) ;
  return 0;

#pragma endregion // CODING WITH MYSQL

// Your hands quiver with power.

// You are now a MySQL GURU.

// For the record, there's also:
// Connector C++:
// MySQL++:

// I chose not to use either library because.. well, I dislike
// additional layers.

// "This application has failed to start because LIBMYSQL.dll
// was not found.  Re-installing the application may fix this problem."

// So, like internet superhero says, you have 3 options:
// [ ]
// 1.  Copy LIBMYSQL.dll into you Windows system directory (C:\Windows\system and/or C:\windows\system32, whichever spins your wheels)
// 2.  You copy LIBMYSQL.dll into the current working directory 
// 3.  You add the location of the LIBMYSQL.dll to your path setting, for example using SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\path\to\LIBMYSQL.dll

// LIBMYSQL.dll is somewhere in your MYSQL INSTALLATION directory..
// so find it, and copy LIBYMSQL.dll to C:\Windows\System32 and/or C:\Windows\System
// OR copy it to the \Debug directory for this project (where the final .exe resides)

// Final note:  static lib compiling.
//#pragma comment( lib, "mysqlclient.lib" )   // doesn't work.. produces 76 errors of the form
// Error	1	error LNK2005: __aligned_malloc already defined in MSVCRTD.lib(MSVCR90D.dll)	       (from file LIBCMTD.lib)
// root of problem seems to be in the warning:
//  Warning 44 warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'MSVCRTD' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library

// Problem docs:

// MikeAThon, at the bottom of the second post there, says
// LIBCMT is the static C-runtime library (and is multi-threaded),
// whereas MSVCRTD is the dynamic linking C-runtime. See
// "How to link with the correct C Run-Time (CRT) library" at
//;EN-US;Q140584& .
// According to that KB article, "the linker will issue a warning
// (LNK4098) if a resulting module attempts to combine more than
// one copy of the CRT library"

// So go into linker -> input -> ignore all default libraries (/NODEFAULTLIB)
// See Internet Superhero again for more help

Download Visual Studio 2008 project files on esnips (thanks esnips!)

Wow! WordPress really did it this time.

They totally overhauled the UI for this site. And it, at first glance, seems fantastic.

It seems they’ve fixed a lot of the little annoyances that were in the previous version of WordPress. As usual, very Ajax-y too.

Anyway, I’m currently reading about Hibernate because I want to start using it at work.

Sunday at 6:30pm is the only time I have to do research on how to better do my 9-to-9 job —

Well, I couldn’t read at any other time. I’m still working on finishing Super Metroid for SNES.

Jeez. Do I suck, or is programming just really really involved?

Anyway, in Hibernate Quickly, Nick Heudecker says:

Data that oulives the process that created it.

Great def, and I just had to share it with ya. Seems like this is a great book so far. Amazon reviews only give it 3 stars, but Amazon reviews aren’t always accurate.

This book and Walsh’s DirectX book really get smashed pretty unfairly.

Anyway, anyway.