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//                                      //
// Using zlib                           //
//                                      //
// You found this at bobobobo's weblog, //
//        //
//                                      //
// Creation date:  Feb 22/08            //
// Last modified:  Feb 23/08            //
//                                      //

///////////  BEFORE YOU START  ///////////

// Visit, bookmark it,
// and grab the dll version of zlib.

// Once you get zlib, as the docs say:
// "Copy ZLIB1.DLL to the SYSTEM or the
//  SYSTEM32 directory."

// C:\WINDOWS\System32 may not work for you
// if you're on 64-bit.  Instead, use
// the C:\WINDOWS\System directory.

// If you don't do this, you get this error
// when you try to launch any program
// that uses "zlib1.dll":

     "THIS APPLICATION has failed to start
      because zlib1.dll was not found.
      Re-installing the application
      may fix this problem."

// This is because Windows can't find
// the dll.

// The other option is to place the
// .dll file in the same directory
// as the EXECUTABLE that uses the
// dll.  So, you'd copy out zlib1.dll
// into the Using_zlib\debug folder,
// since that's where visual studio
// dumps the final executable after building.

// .lib files are library files and they
// are used for static linking.  That is,
// they contain precompiled code that other
// applications can link to.  When you link
// your application with a .lib library, then
// the .lib library's code is intermixed
// with your own code in the final executable.

// .dll files are dynamically linked library files 
// and applications link to them at runtime.


// What's a DLL anyway?

// DLL stands for DYNAMICALLY

// Why "LIBRARY"?  Well, clearly because
// the .DLL is just a LIBRARY of
// FUNCTIONS that you can CALL.

// ZLIB is really just a bunch of
// subroutines that you use to zip
// and unzip data.

// the actual code of ZLIB (that performs
// the zipping and unzipping operations),
// is going to REMAIN STORED inside of
// zlib.dll.

// Even though your program that you write
// will make calls to zlib's functions,

// In other words, the actual ZIP /UNZIP
// code routines WILL NOT be packed into
// YOUR final executable that you build
// with your code when you use zlib.dll.

// Instead, your code will contain REFERENCES TO
// the actual executable code pieces inside
// of zlib.dll, and WINDOWS will resolve
// ("LINK") your application's calls with
// the .dll file's subroutines DYNAMICALLY

// Hence the term "dynamically linked library".
// Because the LINKING of the code happens
// DYNAMICALLY ("dynamically" just means
// "at run time", just like "dynamically allocated
// memory" is memory that you allocate at
// run time using malloc()).

// So at the end of the day, a .dll file 
// just contains a bunch of CODE.

// The difference comes in in HOW the
// Windows operating system manages
// that code.

// This project shows you how to use zlib.
// Its a console project, because there's
// no need to create a window to demonstrate
// use of zlib.

// "words.txt" was generated from the 5 letter
// words listed @

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <windows.h>

// the zlib.h header file contains
// function prototypes and a lot
// of information about zlib!
#include "zlibdll/include/zlib.h"

// link the static lib
#pragma comment (lib, "zlibdll/lib/zdll.lib" )

int main()
    srand(time(0));      // seed random number generator

    bool showOutput;     // make false if you don't want text output
    printf( "Show textual output?  [y/n]\n");
    if ( tolower(getchar()) == 'y' )
        showOutput = true;
        showOutput = false;

    printf("* zlib test file\n");
    printf("* Using version %s of zlib\n", zlibVersion() ) ;

    #pragma region _make some data to compress_
    const int NUM_WORDS = 8938;     // pre-counted constant

    char * randomWords[ NUM_WORDS ] = {
#include "words.txt"  // get in project files

    const int NUM_WORDS_TO_USE = 80;

    // Fill dataOriginal with a random jumbling of
    // 80 * (5 letter words + 1 space)
    // (each word followed by a space).
    int sizeDataOriginal = 6 * NUM_WORDS_TO_USE + 1 ;
    printf("* Before compression:  your data is %d bytes\n", sizeDataOriginal );
    BYTE * dataOriginal = (BYTE*)malloc( sizeDataOriginal );
    for( int i = 0; i < 6 * NUM_WORDS_TO_USE; i += 6 )
        int randomIndex = rand() % NUM_WORDS ;
        static char buf[6];
        strncpy( buf, randomWords[ randomIndex ], 5 );  // don't copy the NULL character.
        buf[5] = ' ';
        strncpy( (char*)(dataOriginal+i), buf, 6 );

    dataOriginal[ sizeDataOriginal - 1 ] = NULL; // null terminator.
    // test it.
    printf("* \n* Here's the data we generated for you:\n\n--\n");
    if( showOutput )
        for( int i = 0 ; i < sizeDataOriginal ; i++ )
            putchar( dataOriginal[i] ); // coulda puts'd this
            // but wanted to be consistent.
        printf(" (suppressed)\n--\n\n");
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region compress the data
    // compress it.
    // To compress some data, we'll use the compress()
    // function.

    // To use the compress function, we must
    // create a destination buffer to
    // hold the compressed data.

    // So how big should the compressed
    // data buffer be?
    // This may seem a bit weird at first,
    // but the array that is to hold the compressed
    // data must start out being AT LEAST 0.1% larger than
    // the original size of the data, + 12 extra bytes.
    // So, we'll just play it safe and alloated 1.1x
    // as much memory + 12 bytes (110% original + 12 bytes)

    ULONG sizeDataCompressed  = (sizeDataOriginal * 1.1) + 12;

    BYTE * dataCompressed = (BYTE*)malloc( sizeDataCompressed );

    // Now hold on, you ask.  WHY is the array
    // that's supposed to hold the COMPRESSED 
    // data ALREADY BIGGER than the original
    // data array?  This isn't compression!
    // This is meaningless expansion!
    // Well, you'll see that this extra space
    // in the compressed array is only TEMPORARY.
    // Just suffice it to say that zlib
    // "needs room to breathe".

    // When zlib performs compression, it will
    // need a bit of extra room to do its work.

    // When the compress() routine returns,
    // the compressedData array will have
    // to being a smaller, compressed size.

    // We will also know the EXACT size of
    // that compressed data by looking at
    // the 'sizeDataCompressed' variable
    // AFTER the compress() routine runs.
    // That variable 'sizeDataCompressed'
    // will updated by the compress() 
    // function when we call it!
    // Don't worry, the "compressed" data
    // will be smaller than the original
    // data was in the end!
    int z_result = compress(
        dataCompressed,         // destination buffer,
                                // must be at least
                                // (1.01X + 12) bytes as large
                                // as source.. we made it 1.1X + 12bytes

        &sizeDataCompressed,    // pointer to var containing
                                // the current size of the
                                // destination buffer.
                                // WHEN this function completes,
                                // this var will be updated to
                                // contain the NEW size of the
                                // compressed data in bytes.

        dataOriginal,           // source data for compression
        sizeDataOriginal ) ;    // size of source data in bytes

    switch( z_result )
    case Z_OK:
        printf("***** SUCCESS! *****\n");

    case Z_MEM_ERROR:
        printf("out of memory\n");
        exit(1);    // quit.

    case Z_BUF_ERROR:
        printf("output buffer wasn't large enough!\n");
        exit(1);    // quit.
    printf("* DATA COMPRESSION COMPLETE!! :\n");
    printf("* Compressed size is %d bytes\n", sizeDataCompressed );
    printf("* This is what it looks like:\n\n--\n");

    // Now we want to print the compressed data out.
    // Can't just printf() it because 
    // the nulls will be all over the place, and there
    // isn't necessarily a null at the end.
    if( showOutput )
        for( int i = 0; i < sizeDataCompressed; i++ )
            putchar( dataCompressed[i] );
        printf(" (suppressed)\n--\n\n");
    #pragma endregion
    #pragma region save compressed data to disk
    // Save that compressed data to disk.
    // Maybe its save game information or
    // something.
    printf("* Saving compressed data to disk\n\n");

    //////////////!!!IMPORTANT NOTE!!!/////////////
    // You see how I'm opening the file in "wb" mode,
    // NOT just "w" mode?????
    FILE * out = fopen( "savedData.dat", "wb" );
    // Well, "wb" means BINARY MODE for writing.

    // One of the reasons for the corruption is
    // under Windows, if you write out a
    // NEWLINE (ASCII code 10, escape sequence "\n",
    // aka the "LINEFEED" (LF)) to the output stream, 
    // then Windows puts out a 13 FIRST, then a 10.

    // 13 is the ascii code for CARRIAGE RETURN (CR),
    // and 10 is ascii code for the Linefeed (LF).

    // Now that seems awfully stupid.  Why would Windows
    // output hex 0D 0A when I clearly asked it to
    // output just 0A?

    // The answer is that Windows uses TWO CHARACTERS
    // to designate the new line:  (CRLF), NOT just LF.

    // Unix uses just LF.  Macs use just CR.  (Windows is
    // the only weirdo that uses 2 characters for a newline.
    // I suppose you could say that this is more true to the
    // original typewriter (or the dot matrix printer),
    // where you have to push the "carriage" (thing that types)
    // back to the left side (carriage return), then
    // you have to feed the paper up a line (linefeed)).

    // SO, this is significant because everytime you write
    // the integer value 10 to the output stream, IF you're
    // NOT writing in binary mode, Windows thinks you're
    // trying to write text.  So NATURALLY, if you write
    // the integer value 10 out in one of the bytes, 
    // Windows recognizes this is a linefeed and
    // write out 13 10 instead.

    // This introduces extra data into your output
    // and is enough to significantly corrupt the result.

    if( out == NULL )
        printf("Couldn't open output file for writing\n");
        exit(1);    //quit
    fwrite( dataCompressed, sizeDataCompressed, 1, out );
    fclose( out );
    out = NULL;
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region read in data from disk
    // Next, we'll READ the compressed data
    // from the file, then DECOMPRESS it, to
    // prove that it'll be the same as
    // the original data.
    printf("* Reading in data from save file\n");
    //////////////!!!!!!!!!!IMPORTANT:  note "rb"
    // NOT just "r".
    FILE * readFile = fopen("savedData.dat", "rb");
    if( readFile == NULL )
        printf("Couldn't open input file for reading\n");
        exit(1);    //quit

    // get size of file
    fseek( readFile, 0, SEEK_END );
    ULONG fileLength = ftell( readFile );
    rewind( readFile );

    // allocate enough mems to hold entire file
    // alternatively, we could "memory map" the
    // file contents using the CreateFileMapping and
    // MapViewOfFile funcs.
    BYTE * dataReadInCompressed = (BYTE*)malloc( fileLength );

    // read in entire file
    fread( dataReadInCompressed, fileLength, 1, readFile );

    // close file
    fclose( readFile );
    readFile = NULL;

    printf("*\n* This is what I read from the saved file:\n"); 
    if( showOutput )
        for( int i = 0 ; i < fileLength ; i++ )
            putchar( dataReadInCompressed[i] );
        printf(" (suppressed)\n--\n\n");
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region decompress the read-in data
    // Next, we'll decompress that
    // data we just read in from disk.

    // How large should we make the array
    // into which the UNZIPPED/UNCOMPRESSED
    // data will go?

    // WELL, there's the catch with ZLIB.
    // You never know how big compressed data
    // will blow out to be.  It can blow up
    // to being anywhere from 2 times as big,
    // or it can be (exactly the same size),
    // or it can be up to 10 times as big
    // or even bigger!
    // So, you can tell its a really bad idea
    // to try to GUESS the proper size that the
    // uncompressed data will end up being.

    // about the original size of the data at
    // the time you compress it.
    // There's a note on how to do that easily
    // at the bottom of this file, in the end notes.

    // FOR NOW, we're just going to 
    // use the dataSizeOriginal variable.
    printf("* Decompressing your data . . .\n");
    ULONG sizeDataUncompressed = sizeDataOriginal;
    BYTE * dataUncompressed = (BYTE*)malloc( sizeDataUncompressed );
    // now uncompress
    z_result = uncompress(
        dataUncompressed,       // destination for the uncompressed
                                // data.  This should be the size of
                                // the original data, which you should
                                // already know.

        &sizeDataUncompressed,  // length of destination (uncompressed)
                                // buffer

        dataReadInCompressed,   // source buffer - the compressed data

        sizeDataCompressed );   // length of compressed data in bytes

    switch( z_result )
    case Z_OK:
        printf("***** SUCCESS! *****\n");

    case Z_MEM_ERROR:
        printf("out of memory\n");
        exit(1);    // quit.

    case Z_BUF_ERROR:
        printf("output buffer wasn't large enough!\n");
        exit(1);    // quit.

    printf("* Uncompressed size is %d bytes\n", sizeDataUncompressed );
    printf("* Your UNCOMPRESSED data looks like this:\n");

    if( showOutput )
        for( int i = 0 ; i < sizeDataUncompressed ; i++ )
            putchar( dataUncompressed[i] );
        printf(" (suppressed)\n--\n\n");
    #pragma endregion

    #pragma region compare decompressed data with original data
    if( memcmp( dataOriginal, dataUncompressed, sizeDataOriginal ) == 0 )
        printf("* SEE?  It was EXACTLY the same.\n");
        printf( "\n\n=====================================\n"
                "Oh. . . dear.  There is a problem.  The uncompressed data "
                "isn't exactly the same as the original data.  Your data "
                "may be corrupted.  WHOOPS!!\n"
                "Please make sure if that you are reading and writing "
                "any file i/o in BINARY MODE." );
    #pragma endregion

    free( dataOriginal );
    free( dataCompressed );
    free( dataReadInCompressed );
    free( dataUncompressed );


// So in this tutorial, when I saved the
// data out to a file, I just used fwrite()
// and dumped the array of bytes with no
// information ABOUT what the file is
// whatsoever.

// in real life, that's probably not a good idea.
// You want to always output at the beginning
// of your compressed data AT LEAST the size
// the data will be when it becomes uncompressed.
// This is the only way you can know how big
// to make the "receiving array" for the uncompressed data.

// ZLIB has no "tell_me_the_size_of_this_thing_
// when_it_gets_uncompressed() function.

// You MUST keep that data in the file itself.

// So, you might create a structure like thus
// and like so:


struct saveFile
    ULONG compressedSize;   // size of the data array, compressed
    ULONG uncompressedSize; // size when data gets uncompressed
    char what[16];          // what is this file?  may want to
                            // indicate what kind of data is saved here.

    // add whatever other info you need
    // here.

    BYTE * data;            // the actual compressed data



// Then, just fwrite out the data,
// with a couple of fwrites().

// When you fread it, you fread the
// size fields first . . . you know
// what to do.

     ____   __   __      __   __  ___
    / _  \ /  / /  /    /  /  \ \/  /
   / _/ / /  / /  /    /  /    \   /
  / _/ \ /  / /  /__  /  /__   /  /
 /_____//__/ /______//______/ /__/


Download the Visual Studio 2005 project files.

If you like this site & want to see more posts, buy me a coffee! Even a $1 donation would make me really happy. Thanks for reading


    • sens-
    • Posted March 12, 2008 at 9:40 am
    • Permalink

    this tutorial just saved my day, as my compress functions in c++ always cause buffer errs

    big thanks for your effort

    • sens-
    • Posted March 12, 2008 at 12:38 pm
    • Permalink

    ok…since u cant append files to archives using zlib my day isnt saved at all ;)

    • Jojo Girl
    • Posted September 4, 2008 at 2:13 pm
    • Permalink

    can you please write a program in c++ to take a folder with many files [c:\] and extract it to c:\testFolderUnzipped].

    PLease… if you can write and mail me on or posting on your blog… i will be heartily thankful. I am digging minizip project right now..

    plz guide.

    • goun
    • Posted September 10, 2009 at 2:20 pm
    • Permalink

    Man, you are simply great!

    I am trying two days now to hanlde this zlib until I discovered your forum.

    The Force may be with you…

  1. Cool.. I was just looking into learning how to use Zlib and this was a clear example.


    • FYI
    • Posted November 28, 2011 at 5:01 am
    • Permalink

    I am pretty sure “(sizeDataOriginal*1.1) + 12” may not work as expected because sizeDataOriginal is an integer type. 1.1 should come first in the parenthesis so that sizeDataOriginal will be converted to a double type.

  2. ( int * double ) = double

    ( double * int ) = double

    order doesn’t matter

    • james
    • Posted April 15, 2012 at 9:03 pm
    • Permalink

    this is really helpful, thank you. I was wondering what is the difference between the deflate() function and the compress() function? likewise, the inflate() and the uncompress() function?

    • Cala
    • Posted September 9, 2012 at 2:16 pm
    • Permalink

    Is there any download link for the project files that does not install a spyware on your computer? Btw, does not work with Visual Studio 2012, only after fixing 10 errors. Sorry, but bad/too old tutorial.

  3. As far as I know esnips does not insert spyware.

    I just tested it and it works with Visual Studio 2010. I don’t have 2012 yet so I can’t test that right now.

    If it’s not running due to “The program can’t start because zlib1.dll is missing from your computer”, just copy zlib1.dll from the zlibdll folder inside the archive, out into the same folder as “using_zlib.cpp” is.

    • Anonymous
    • Posted February 3, 2014 at 5:45 pm
    • Permalink

    Incredibly long-winded, yet totally useless. Seriously, this is a bad tutorial.

  4. @Anonymous You’re long winded.

    • Anonymous
    • Posted June 2, 2016 at 10:11 am
    • Permalink

    I think the project file link for “words.txt” is not working can you give another link

5 Trackbacks/Pingbacks

  1. By How to use libpng « Bobobobo’s Weblog on 02 Mar 2009 at 3:01 am

    […] already had zlib, so if you don’t have it, install it as zlib is required for libpng to […]

  2. By Zlib.dll | TagHall on 20 Feb 2012 at 8:21 pm

    […] "jqmodal", embeddedHeight: "400", embeddedWidth: "425", themeCSS: "" }); . How to use zlib « Bobobobo’s Weblog . HOWTO: Install Ruby 1.8.7 on Windows | The […]

  3. By Zlib1.dll | TagHall on 28 Mar 2012 at 1:01 pm

    […] "" }); . 4Shared Zlib1 Dll Error Newest Repair Improvements « 4Shared … . How to use zlib « Bobobobo’s Weblog . About « 4Shared Zlib1 Dll Problem Latest Repair […]

  4. […] but I’ve chosen zlib library as it is quite easy to use (an excellent tutorial can be found here). It operates on the char arrays that we already generate on the way to save binary files, so […]

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