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Dear former manager,

Would you be willing to write a letter of apology for how you tried to fire me, but failed to do so?

Just something along the lines of how engineering is not your discipline, how you realize it was disrespectful to the entire profession to try to assess the performance of an engineer whilst knowing nothing about it.

You could include there a little bit about how you apologize that you threatened my employment and income for wrong reasons. How you realize it is wrong to professionally stalk employees through their existing managers, and how in the future you will refrain from spitting bullshit into other people’s heads, so they suddenly turn on whom they once supported.

How you will resign from your post since you are not qualified to do your job, nor have you ever been. How you will stick to knitting sweaters and other things you know well, so as not to bring harm to others via your sheer incompetence to perform at whatever role you are assigned.

How you now realize that you must respect the skill of the technically talented, of which you do not count yourself, and how you realize they are not your slaves to eat off their backs, then spit them out when it suits you.

How you are a hokey shame of an $150,000+ corporate employee. How you insult not only the entire engineering profession, but also the entire management sciences, from which you pick and choose pieces of their advise, then misuse it to abuse individuals.

How you realize this segment of this video is exactly your career track for the past 13 years, and you are deeply ashamed of it. How you don’t deserve anything you have, since you usurped it from those who deserve it more than you do, though a continuously calculated, carefully acted out series of deceptions, lies, sabotages, and lengthy campaigns of corporate undermining. All the while trying to paint yourself as an angelic, lovely person who nothing but cares about the well-being of others, and who has a hobby of knitting sweaters in their spare time.

Or wait. Have you not realized that yet.

Know that you represent everything that you came from. When you lie, cheat and fail, you have also lied and cheated and failed whatever supported you to be what you are.

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  1. […] See also: Dear former manager […]

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